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STOOPERは、鷹狩が古くから国民に浸透しているアラブ首長国連邦にて9月25~29日に開催される、アブダビ国際狩猟・馬術展示会 ADIHEX (Abu Dhabi international hunting & equestrian exhibition) に参加いたします!


日本ならではの繊細で巧みな工芸を取り入れたSTOOPERの猛禽用のグローブ、フードを 世界に発信してきたいと思います!

STOOPER will participate in the overseas exhibition ADIHEX 2018 (Abu Dhabi international hunting & equestrian exhibition) again.
I have prepared many handmade gloves and hoods for ADIHEX.

All of the products are entirely hand-crafted with great care, using highest-quality leather which has been used in Japanese traditional crafts or martial arts.
Gloves are a mix of the traditional Japanese style and modern style.
They last for many years and are all customized to fit your hands and your falcons.

I’m looking forward to seeing you at the booth of INPEX Group JODCO (Japan Oil Develpoment Co Ltd) !

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Stooper Falconry Equipment